Overcoming gender inequality and poverty, one camera at a time.

Cameras For Girls Is Different Because it Leads to Job Creation For African Women.

In the short term, creating meaningful employment opportunities is crucial to helping women escape poverty. But in the long term, helping young women launch careers in Africa’s traditionally male-dominated media will lead to societal change and gender equality. Economic empowerment is at the heart of Cameras for Girls’ mission and values. By emphasizing job creation, we help women across Africa become financially independent and seed deep and lasting change.


Budding journalists learn how to document stories, with the Canon GX1 cameras gifted to them by Cameras For Girls.

How Do We Do It?

Cameras For Girls uses photography as the catalyst for gender equality in Africa. 

Our approach is simple and powerful: We equip women with cameras to keep and train them in photography, storytelling, and business skills. 

The result: Our graduates are breaking gender barriers, pursuing careers as journalists and photographers in what has been until now, male-dominated spaces.

Our students don't just learn to capture the world—they seize it with newfound confidence. Our program opens new career options for African women, helps reduce gender inequality, and combats poverty. 


Our Impact To Date

  • 79

    64 girls taught In Uganda

    15 girls taught in Tanzania

    via our 4-phase year-long program

  • 206

    girls taught through

    our online platform

    via various collaborative partners

  • 75%

    of students in Uganda

    found paid work in media

    with their new skills

Student Testimonial

Hear directly from some of our students from the 2022 cohort about their experience with Cameras For Girls.

Amina and Sandra Agwico learning the exposure triangle

Why Your Donation Matters

Many of our students graduate from theoretical university-based journalism programs without the practical skills needed for paid work in the field. Unlike their male counterparts, they lack access to cameras, a requirement for securing jobs in journalism and communications.

By supporting our Cameras for Girls, you give aspiring female journalists and photographers the tools they need to succeed. 

Your donation equips each participant with a camera to keep and the necessary skills and support to get good jobs and become financially independent. 

Your donation is an investment in talented young women who will bring important and vibrant new voices to Africa’s media.